1938 Ford Update
By Watch Desk
January 10, 2025

In November of 2023, we started the large project of restoring our 1938 Ford-Hale pumper. After taking detailed photos of almost every inch of "The Ford" as it was commonly referred to, the disassembly/restoration process started. Although we are trying to do as much of the work in house, there are some things that are best left to the professionals in their respective fields and the dollars start to add up.

Countless hours of reading through roughly 85 years worth of business meeting minutes were spent to try and learn as much we could about The Ford. When and where it was serviced, components that broke and were fixed, what equipment it was once outfitted with, any modifications that were made in the roughly 23 years of serving the Sellersville community, and any information on the whereabouts after it left Sellersville in 1961.

The Ford was the first new piece of apparatus that was housed and responded out of the then new 1927/1928 firehouse. We also have a great piece of restored Sellersville and Fire Department history in the original piece of fire apparatus, the 1861 Hand Pumper. Although not on the immediate horizon, we have plans on where The Ford and Hand Pumper will potentially be kept and stored for all to enjoy.

While there is still a large amount of work to be completed, we couldn't have been able to make it this far with out your support. To date, all the work that has been done so far, has been paid for by private donations.

We are currently seeking donations and sponsors to continue The Ford project. If you are interested in being a sponsor of this project, please reach out to Chief Wagner via email chief@sellersvillefd.com.

All donations are tax deductible come tax time.