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Newspaper articles from 1889 suggest that the newly formed Fire Company was supplied with 2 different hose carriages.
Built by William Wolf of Allentown around September 1869 for the Libery Fire Engine Co. No. 5, This carriage was taken out service by Liberty in 1882 and purchased by Sellersville at some point. In an 1889 article about the new FIre Company, it described that eigh hundred feet of the best hose were also purchased, together with a very fine hose carriage, with glass panels in cylinder, from the Allentown Fire Department, formerly belonging to the Liberty Hose Co.
In the same article from 1889, a second hose carriage is described. The article states "The old Phoenixville Hose Co.'s hose carriage was also purchased and entirely rebuilt, but it is not required in the outfit of the Sellersville Fire Department. The bells on the carriage are of the finest silver alloy bell metal, and have been in service seventy odd years..."
On December 9th, 1936, from meeting minutes of the Fire Department, "A motion was made by E. Moyer and Second by Winze the president communicate with man for Hose Cart. A motion was made by J Daud and second by W. Stauffer that the secretary get information on application and fill out. Mr. George Harttman took it in charge
January 13th, 1937 meeting minutes of the Fire Department, its was recorded that "THe proposition of selling the old hose reel was then brought up. After some discussion a motion was made by Alfred Wild, second by Alex Alexander and passed that the Company sell the apparatus for a price of $150 with the provision that the apparatus be on permanent exhibition at Independence Hall."
In the same minutes, the cart is again mentioned. "A motion was then made by Joseph Daub, second by Alfred (?) - Moyer and passed that we pay $150, the amount received for the cost of the hose cart, on the $15,000 note."
Lastly, during this meeting, the "Sale of hose reel to Charles Lindborg" is mentioned
A few short days later, a news paper published in The North Penn Reporter, describes "FIrst piece of fire-fighting equipment ever used in Sellersville is among the collection presented to the city of Philadelphia"
Article continues to described the Hose Cart - "Sellersville's contribuation to the collection is a four-wheel hose cart, purchased back in 1888, when the Sellersville Fire Company was organized..." "...It is simply a mounted reel for carrying hose and was drawn by hand by running firemen. Warning to driver of wagons and buggies that the smoke-eaters were coming was sounded by bells that are attached to springs." "..."The volunteers finally descided to part with it at their January meeting when the purpose of the Philadelphia exhibit was explained. Charles Lindborg, of Philadelphia...offered the firemen $150 for the cart. The offer was accepted."
While this is a lot of information to read, its because of all of these old newspaper articles and Department meeting minutes that we believe that the hose cart currently on display of the second floor of the Philadelphia Fireman's Hall Museum, last belonged to the Sellersville Fire Department.